Click here to download the full article as a PDF. Making friends and learning about each other One of the great pleasures of working at the project is our current co-operation with ISK – The International School of Kigali. Students from ISK have worked with us on...
Click here to download the full article as a PDF. Developing new ideas Our staff have limited experience of developing the curriculum, something which we teachers and others living in Europe, USA and Australia understand and take for granted. Our staff have been...
Click here to download the full article as a PDF. The Kinamba Project I spent three months in Kigali, three months which passed in a whirl of busy – ness one way or another. The dates of the new terms set by the government meant that the primary children would...
Click here to download the full article as a PDF. Umwaka Musha Muhire as they say – Happy New Year! I arrived back very early in January to the sunshine and smiles I now think of when I think about the project. For some reason the term in the state schools was not to...
I have now been back in Kigali for two weeks and my feet do not seem to have touched the ground. We are busy right now organising schools for the secondary students, with lots of things to get together for them to take with them for the next two months or so. It is...
p>Click here to download the full article as a PDF. In December I intend to write a retrospective view of what we have achieved so far. Very tangible evidence of what we set out to do and what we are achieving can be seen in the lives of some of our secondary...