Our Trustees

The charity known as the Kinamba Community Project was founded to support the community project in Kinamba, Kigali, Rwanda.

The UK registration number of the charity is 1126601. Information can be found on the Charity Commission website.

There are four trustees of the charity, all working as volunteers; there are no paid staff in the UK.

Meg Fletcher

Meg Fletcher

Founder of the project in Rwanda, Meg worked in Primary Education in the UK for 39 years before retiring and going to Rwanda as a VSO volunteer from 2006 to 2008. She has worked in Rwanda for the project since 2009 returning regularly to the UK. Meg manages the work of all aspects of the Rwandan project.
Kathryn McCartney

Kathryn McCartney

Kathryn is now enjoying retirement after completing 35 years in Building Society Financial Services. She now enjoys time to walk, garden and learn how to make bobbin lace.

Kathryn manages the UK accounts.

Kathryn Pink

Kathryn Pink

Kath has worked in a number of roles in education as a secondary teacher and deputy head teacher in the UK, and most recently as a local authority school improvement officer and associate Ofsted inspector.

Kath is the fundraising manager and is responsible for project evaluation.

Emma Tooth

Emma Tooth

Emma works as a project manager for a UK bank.  She is married with two teenage daughters and lives in Coventry.

Emma is responsible for data regulation and fundraising.

Ken McCallum

Ken McCallum

Although not a trustee, Ken is a valued member of our team. He is a Technical Project Manager from London and helps us out with our Website and IT. Between 2010 & 2012 Ken cycled across Africa raising money for various projects.

Ken visited us at Kinamba back in October 2011 volunteering for a few weeks before continuing on to finish his cycle in South Africa. He guest wrote our July 2012 Newsletter.