Our December newsletter is a tribute to our fundraisers who are vital to the future of the project.Thank you to each and everyone of you who contribute in one way or another to the success of our work. December-2020Download
October 2020 As restrictions due to COVID are beginning to be relaxed in Rwanda and students are returning to school, Fletcher and some of the older students have been preparing the building for when the project is allowed to open. October-2020Download
September 2020 – Some happy news – Jean de Dieu (also known to many as Fletcher) came to Britain with me as a student ambassador for the project, to promote the project by meeting donor groups, sponsors and to assist in fundraising. Sadly, the day after we...
Here is an update on the emergency food programme for our vulnerable families. Thank you so much for your support for us in these very difficult times 4.-April-2020Download
March 2020 – Recently we began a food distribution to try to help the families a little in the very difficult time around the world caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. (April 2020) In consultation with staff in Rwanda we have set up some emergency support and have...