Dear friends around the world,

December the first and time to celebrate our achievements and to say a huge thank you to everyone who has worked with us and for us over the last twelve months.

Thank you for all your support in so many ways – by donations, by organising events, by volunteering with us, by talking about us and passing on the word to others, every little action is important.

I am attaching the letter from Vincent who has just spent a month with the Primary children. His account is a wonderful testimony to the achievements of the children in our care. The last pages show happy, healthy young people who have a chance which they never could have imagined. They have benefited from the feeding programme and their school work is developing well. Many of them have brought back good school reports and many of them are in the top ten in the class, which is great news. The Head teachers from the two schools which they attend tell me that our children set a good example to others by their hard work and achievements and their sense of responsibility.

If there is anything which demonstrates the difference we are making as a whole I would say that it is the growing confidence of the people of the community. There is definitely a ‘can do’ feeling in Kinamba and a pride in the achievements, a feeling of belonging, of companionship and a willingness to work together.

So thank you, we cannot do this without you all out there in many parts of the world, your support means so very much.

Finally, an important change to our donation arrangements. We are now registered with Virgin Money Giving which is a non-profit organisation. Virgin charges a one-off registration fee, kindly paid by Ken McCallum who recently visited us, whereas Justgiving makes an annual charge. Virgin takes a small percentage of donations only, Justgiving charges a larger percentage on both donations and Giftaid. By registering with Virgin we will save at least £600 a year on current levels of donations. We would prefer to be able to spend that money where it is most needed, I am sure you will agree.

To make a donation please follow this link

I wish you all, wherever you are,  joyous festive season and a happy, healthy and peaceful 2012

Very many thanks to you. Meg