Dear Friends,
I am now back in the UK and gradually acclimatising to the cold weather – but being here in early spring has its benefits.
I hope you enjoy our February newsletter attached here.
Best wishes to you all, Meg
Click here to download the full article as a PDF.
The Kinamba Project
January 5th and the children start to come into school, beginning with the Nursery 2 children and all of the Primary children. It was a bit problematical identifying the new Primary one children at first as all children have to shave their heads, so those lovely hairstyles with beads and braids had to go.

What a difference between the nursery and the Primary.
As ever we had far too many requests for places than we could accommodate. This year we were taking children who were minimum 4 years old as they would only be with us for two years before going to Primary school.
The school children in Rwanda all wear a uniform and we are no different.

This year we had a new logo made for our shirts.
The new outfits have to last a couple of years, so some of them seem a little long.
And so for our new recruits who quickly got into the swing of things, enjoying their new surroundings and all the exciting things we have here and making new friends.

Termites had attacked the play equipment we had but the ever-inventive Claude made a new one for us. For some this was a great challenge, but a thrill to actually try it.

It is lovely to go out I the morning to see the children coming into school, several of them come with their fathers on a motorcycle. At the end of the morning they wait patiently for their carers to arrive to take them home.

The teachers work hard to provide a wide variety of experiences for the children and they set to work quickly to learn new things, it is a happy place, secure and interesting and the children respond with enthusiasm.

All for now folks, with grateful thanks for supporting us, we cannot do it without you.